Where we've been and where we're going next...

We Made It!

| Sunday, June 18, 2006
After 3 flights, 20 hours total flight time, a lot of water and countless missionaries, we made it!

We arrived at Nairobi International Airport at 8:00 on the dot and breezed through immigration and customs, only to emerge into a sea of humanity. There were so many signs with names on them that we had to make two or three passes. Ultimately we found our hotel's kiosk 30 feet away and made it to our hotel safely. This morning we're grubbing up and heading off to Mount Kenya for three days of hiking. We can't wait to see the countryside, as we were unable to last night when our flight arrived in the darkness.

More coming soon! Amy & Joe arrive on Wednesday after a three day jaunt in Brussels!


Anonymous said...

I'm sure glad you have all arrived safely--Amy and Joe called from Brussels. Andy, I hope your cold is better and Helen I sure hope you stay well! I can't wait to hear about your animal sightings and see your pictures.....Love you all, Mom

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you made it ... 20 hours... oh no with a cold... poor Andy... hope you didn't catch it in Detroit... oh no... take care and lots of love to you both!