Where we've been and where we're going next...

In the home of Mozart

| Saturday, October 22, 2005
Hello, folks, now we're in Salzburg.

But first, our last night of Budapest: last night we saw the worst opera possibly ever performed. Luckily, we only paid about $1.50 each to see it so we weren't too disappointed. It was bizarre, set in WWII and with german surtitles so we had no chance. But the cast made sure to come out at the end for three bows each, which we begrudgingly gave. After that we went on to Grand Cafe Oktogon and had some goulash. Was gut, ja.

Today, after arriving on the train from Budapest, we walked around town and ended up seeing a few of the sights. Tomorrow we plan on hitting Mozart's birthplace and home and then renting some bikes to see a few places where they shot "The Sound of Music." We're staying in a youth hostel in the middle of town for a whopping 36 euros a night.

Off to Venice on Monday morning EARLY :( but we can sleep on the train. Hope all you guys reading this are happy and healthy!