After Sawa Camp, we drove back into the desert to
St. Katherine's Monastery, the site of the Burning Bush. a descendant of which is still alive today. It's actually a vine. We saw it. Then we climbed Moses' famed mountain; Mount Sinai, upon which Moses received the Ten Commandments. There's actually a church at the summit. It was a HARD climb, hot and at altitude. We're still feeling that one, but the sunset was worth it.

After St. Katherine's we drove straight to Cairo, under the Suez Canal. We arrived last night, said goodbye to our last group over dinner and drinks at a swanky Cairo scene. Today, we hoofed it all over the city. We visited the largest and oldest active mosque in Cairo: Ibn Tulun. Truly cavernous. We climbed the spiral minaret. Then managed to ward off the touts as we got ourselves lost at the famed, Khan al-Khalili bazaar. We took tea at Fishawy's, open for 200 years continuously (allegedly) not counting Ramadan and ate Egyptian pancakes at a cheapo dive. Picked up a couple of nice things, particularly a leather-bound book from the artisan binder himself. A tiring but brilliant day. It's Monday now, and we're posting from our hotel in Cairo - the Indiana Hotel in Doqqi - which nobody has heard of, apparently. Bloody taxi drivers!
We'll post some more photos soon, pyramids and all that yet to come!